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Choose You is a movement created by the American Cancer Society that encourages women to put their own health first in the fight against cancer. The movement challenges women to make healthier choices, and supports them in their commitment to eat right, get active, quit smoking and get regular health checks.

The Choose You Movement shines a light on a hidden issue: that while one in three American women will get cancer in her lifetime, about 50% of cancer deaths could be prevented if more emphasis were placed on early detection and healthier lifestyles including maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise and avoiding tobacco.

In the constant struggle between family, work and self, we know how difficult it is to focus on oneself. To help change this, American Cancer Society has developed the Choose You Commitment. Powered by stickK, this online program provides tools and support to enable women to commit to and achieve their personal health and wellness goals. Research shows that individuals who receive support in making positive choices are up to 5 times more likely to maintain healthy habits. The Choose You Commitment provides this support.

By making a Choose You Commitment today, you are helping to change the focus and make personal health a priority — and helping in the fight against cancer.
Last week wrap up:
Achieve my goal of my main drink of choice water and those time when I want a little added taste add Crystal Light packets.

This weeks mini-goal:
Complete as many jumping jacks and push up as possible before bed every other night
Last weeks wrap up:
Achieved my goal of working out at least 1 hour a day Mon-Fri

Lost 2.5lbs with exercise and proper nutrition
This weeks mini-goal:
Main drink of choice water and those time when I want a little added taste add Crystal Light packets.
When I stumbled upon  this challenge I thought what a great, motivating and cute idea. Kudos to Mocha Trina at Me so Hongry for this wonderful challenge.
  • The challenge starts Monday, February 15,2010 and ends Monday, April 5, 2010 (7 weeks)

    Every week each participant must set a mini-goal. For example my mini-goal next week...TRACK EVERYDAY!  If you meet your mini-goal, report your accomplishment on your blog.

    According to Weight Watchers (WW) healthy weight loss constitutes losing 1-2 pounds a week, so all participant should strive to lose 1 pound weekly...7 lbs. in 7weeks (7/7). If you lose your 7 before the end of the challenge...KEEP GOING!

    On your mark...get ready...set GO! Let the "Cute As A Bunny Challenge" begin!!
This weeks mini-goal:
Workout for 1 hour a day Mon-Fr